Front End Mentor Challenges

Project 1
Recipe Page

This challenge will help you focus on writing semantic HTML. Ensure you think through what HTML elements are most appropriate for each piece of content.

Project 3
Social links profile

In this small project, you'll build out your social link-sharing profile. You can even personalize it and use it to share all your social profiles!

Project 2
Blog preview card

This HTML & CSS-only challenge is a perfect project for beginners getting up to speed with HTML and CSS fundamentals, like HTML structure and the box model

Project 2
FAQ accordion

In this challenge, you'll build an FAQ accordion. This is an extremely common front-end pattern, so it's an excellent opportunity to get some practice in!

Project 2
Results summary component

This challenge has something for everyone. It’s a HTML and CSS only project, but we’ve also provided a JSON file of the test results for anyone wanting to practice JS.

Project 2
Product preview card

This HTML & CSS-only challenge will be perfect for anyone starting to build responsive projects.

Project 2
interactive rating component

This is a nice, small project to practice handling user interactions and updating the DOM. Perfect for anyone who has learned the basics of JavaScript!

Project 2
QR code component

A perfect first challenge if you're new to HTML and CSS. The card layout doesn't shift, so it's ideal if you haven't learned about building responsive layouts yet

Project 2
NFT preview card

This HTML & CSS only challenge is perfect for anyone just starting out or anyone wanting a small project to play around with.

Project 2
Order summary component

A perfect project for newbies who are starting to build confidence with layouts

Project 2
Stats preview card

This is a great small challenge to help get you used to building to a design. There's no JS in this project, so you'll be able to focus on your HTML & CSS skills.

Project 2
3-column preview card

This challenge is perfect if you're just getting started. The shift between the layouts will be a nice test if you're new to building responsive projects.

Project 2
Profile Card

This is a perfect challenge to test your layout skills. The card layout doesn't shift, so it's also great for those that haven't dived into responsive websites yet!

Project 2
Social Proof

This project will test your layout skills. If you're starting to get confident with Flexbox or Grid, this will provide a nice challenge!

Project 2
Article Preview

Practice your layout skills with this article preview component. There's lots of fun to be had playing around with animations for the sharing icons as well

Project 2
Four card feature

A nice layout-based challenge for beginners. This will test anyone who is new to multi-column and responsive layouts.